– Maximize the use of Low Band 40 meters and 80 meters
– Promoting Sunda Kelapa Port
– Popularizing the abbreviation of the Indonesian province
– Popularizing ORARI Lokal North Jakarta
– All Indonesian and foreign radio amateurs
– For the Batavia Sprint Contest committee logs will be checklog
Period 1 80 Meter, and
Period 2 40 Meter
Phone (SSB)
Every first weekend in May. May 4 and 5, 2019
Period 1 (80 Meter Band) : Saturday 11.00 UTC (18.00 WIB) – 14.00 UTC (21.00 WIB)
Period 2 (40 Meter Band) : Sunday 09.00 UTC (16.00 WIB) – 13.00 UTC (20.00 WIB)
For amateur radio Indonesia station exchanges Signal reports (59) + Abbreviation of Provincial Indonesia (Indonesian Province ISO Code)
Example: YB0HCR this is YD4LDW 59 SS (YD4LDW is in South Sumatra province with the abbreviation SS)
For amateur radio stations outside Indonesia exchange Signal report + DX.
Example: YB0HCR this is 9M4COK 59 DX
Indonesian Province ISO Code
Province/Provinsi | ISO CODE | |
Aceh | Aceh | AC |
Bali | Bali | BA |
Bangka Belitung Islands | Kepulauan Bangka Belitung | BB |
Banten | Banten | BT |
Bengkulu | Bengkulu | BE |
Central Java | Jawa Tengah | JT |
Central Kalimantan | Kalimantan Tengah | KT |
Central Sulawesi | Sulawesi Tengah | ST |
East Java | Jawa Timur | JI |
East Kalimantan | Kalimantan Timur | KI |
East Nusa Tenggara | Nusa Tenggara Timur | NT |
Gorontalo | Gorontalo | GO |
Jakarta | Jakarta | JK |
Jambi | Jambi | JA |
Lampung | Lampung | LA |
Maluku | Maluku | MA |
North Kalimantan | Kalimantan Utara | KU |
North Maluku | Maluku Utara | MU |
North Sulawesi | Sulawesi Utara | SA |
North Sumatra | Sumatera Utara | SU |
Papua | Papua | PA |
Riau | Riau | RI |
Riau Islands | Kepulauan Riau | KR |
Southeast Sulawesi | Sulawesi Tenggara | SG |
South Kalimantan | Kalimantan Selatan | KS |
South Sulawesi | Sulawesi Selatan | SN |
South Sumatra | Sumatera Selatan | SS |
West Java | Jawa Barat | JB |
West Kalimantan | Kalimantan Barat | KB |
West Nusa Tenggara | Nusa Tenggara Barat | NB |
West Papua | Papua Barat | PB |
West Sulawesi | Sulawesi Barat | SR |
West Sumatra | Sumatera Barat | SB |
Special Region of Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta | YO |
Each QSO with stations in the same continent:
• at 40 meters the band is worth 5 points,
• at 80 meters the band is worth 10 points
Each QSO with a different continental station:
• at 40 meters the band is worth 10 points,
• at 80 meters the band is worth 20 points
Contact with the new prefix for each band is valued as 1 multiplier
Contact with the new Indonesian province in each band is valued as 1 multiplier
Single Operator High Power Indonesia
Single Operator Low Power Indonesia
Single Operator High Power DX
Single Operator Low Power DX
– QSO results logs must be submitted to the committee maximum of 7 days after the contest ends.
– Logs must be sent as a file with the Cabrillo format
– The file name must use the callsign of the participant, for example yc4hq.log
– Logsheet must be sent via the website at
– To facilitate the contest, participants can use the UDC N1MM File which can be downloaded at
– Re-check the contents of your logsheet before sending, make sure that all data is correctly listed, data errors in your logsheet cause the log cannot be included in the judging (Checklog).
– Include the complete name, email and mailing address in your logsheet.
– For UDC and Section file usage instructions please click here
Each participant gets a digital award which can be downloaded directly at
Participants may get a plaque prize from the sponsor. A list of placards can be found at
– Each participant is subject to his amateur radio license.
– Each participant must uphold sportsmanship.
– Each participant is prohibited from sending a spot for himself (selfspotting) and is prohibited from sending spots to himself through or using other people’s callsign
– Avoid frequencies used by a Net or emergency allotment.
– The time difference tolerance between logsheets is 30 minutes.
– The jury’s decision is Final.